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About Us

Our Student Government prides itself on a "bottom up" system. This means that the students are the momentum to initiatives, not the Executive Committee. The ExComm can facilitate communication and turn your ideas into a full-blown relatiy. With cooperation and teamwork, we can refine GHS to be the best it can be. To view a concept map of our structure, please                  .    


"Open-mic" sessions

During every mass meeting, 15-20 minutes are alloted for members to pitch ideas, voice, concerns, or talk about an issue brought to their attention. This is where new initiatives are born. You're concerned about the price of muffins? This is when you present that concern. You believe GHS should have a community garden? This is the time to talk about it! Also, if students in your homeroom have expressed concerns, you should speak on their behalf.




Just as all legislative bodies vote to pass or reject measures, the GHS Student Government holds a fair vote when it comes to enacting a solution or embarking on a significant project. This is to ensure that we are all on the same page and want the same things. Additionally, this gives you the opportunity to disagree or share your perspective if you oppose something. 




Student Government members will choose a committee to be on within Student Government. As a Homeroom Representative, it is also required that you attend your Class Committee meetings. All meetings will be held before school. Attendance will be taken. 




All Student Government members are required to go to every mass meeting. Attendance is taken and you will receive a no-fault absence (does not count toward loss of credit) from your class that block. That being said, it is courteous to let your teacher know in advance if you will be missing his or her class for a Student Government meeting. 


As an HR, if you are absent from these meetings not only do you forgo the oportunity to share your great ideas, but also do not receive the important information you need to relay to your peers. Everybody loses in this situation. 


If you know you will be absent, you must email Gianna DeMasi 24 hours before the meeting so we can make other arrangements. 


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